By submitting this form you are requesting A. Jenning Properties staff to update your assessment payment amount to reflect your community’s 2024 assessment. Please note that this is something you can do yourself by logging into your account at https://ajenning.managebuilding.com, but asking our staff to help with this for you will in no way limit your future access to your account.
This form can only be used to request that your payment amount be adjusted for your community’s new assessment amount. If you need help changing your payment method or withdrawal date, please contact us separately. Please note that up until now automatic payments were based on a specified dollar amount. Our software now supports the ability to pay your balance in full, regardless of the amount. If you use this form to update your automatic payments, this is the option we will choose for you. By doing so it will prevent your need to request future adjustments.
If you instead decide to adjust your own autopay amount, please be sure to follow the instructions in our letter. Our software will allow you to set up two autopays. Creating a new autopay will not cancel the current one. To prevent this from happening and a possible accidental double payment, be sure to edit your existing autopay instead of creating a new one.